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Listings for: Deburring and Finishing Machines

De-burring is a process of metal fabrication, where a burr (raised edge) of material is eliminated. A de-burring &/or finishing machine uses specialized brushes to scour the material surface and edges to remove the burrs.
Finishing is the process used to treat the exterior of a metal by applying and/or removing a layer of the metal surface. There are numerous types of metal finishing’s, including Metal Plating, Brushed Metal (removing surface imperfections), Buff Polishing, Metal Grinding, Metal Vibratory Finishing (a machine used to de-burr products and remove sharp edges), Sand Blasting, Powder Coating, Hot Blackening, etc.

Pre-owned Falls Mo. 131 Deburring Machine

Manufacturer: Falls
Model: 131

Location: Winnipeg

OMNI MACHINE INC.,: New 53″ Mtecnico Deburring and Edge Rounding Machine

Manufacturer: Mtecnico
Model: 1350-4F

Location: Covina, CA

Empire Machinery: Apex EZ-Sander

Manufacturer: APEX Machine Group
Model: EZ Sander

Location: Winnipeg

Empire Machinery: Apex 2000 Series Deburring Machine

Manufacturer: Apex
Model: 2000 Series

Location: Winnipeg

Empire Machinery: Apex 1000 Series Deburring Machine

Manufacturer: Apex
Model: 1000 Series

Location: Winnipeg

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